About Me

I'm 16 years old. I just recently started Barking abbey 6th form. I currently take media, engligh lit, socioligy and photography. So far it's suprisingly awsome. :) My prelim and main task can be found in the as main task evaluation label. It's under videos.


Titles analysis

Dawn of the dead
What are director’s aims? I think she/he wants to try and get as much information about what is currently going on as possible in order to frighten the audience and make them want to know more about what is going. Then can tell from the news report that the problem is on a global scale.
What are the audience thinking, wondering, feeling, asking? The audience don't have that much time to think because the clips go by so quickly, so they ask themselves what’s going on and it makes them panic because of all the horrific images. We feel distressed.
How does this engage the audience? It engages the audience by flashing lots of disturbing clips at them and using the news reporters to spread the panic. The clips are unusual which makes you want to find out more.
What are your favourite bits in these clips? Why? My favourite bits are the parts where people are running wild causing riots ect. This is because it has, so much drama in it which keeps you entertained.
What are director’s aims?
I think their trying to make the audience confused because the action that that the hands are doing is in reverse; there meant to be sowing things on the doll.
What are the audience thinking, wondering, feeling, asking?
The audience would be thinking why is someone trying to dismantle a doll that looks perfectly fine? They would also want to know who is actually doing it? I think they would feel a little bit awkward. The hands also look strange, so they would really want to know who it is.
How does this engage the audience?
This engages the audience because they want to find out more information about the doll and the person ruing the doll. The doll is always in the centre of the frame to make the audience notice the abnormality of the action.
What are your favourite bits in these clips? Why?
My favourite bit is when we can’t see the hands and the doll is just spinning around in blackness. I like this part because it looks interesting and abnormal. I want to find out why she is there.
What are director’s aims?
To make us travel into science and see the origins of how the hulk because the hulk. It sets up the story in order for through images rather than explaining through dialogue in the beginning.
What are the audience thinking, wondering, feeling, asking?
The audience is wondering what does the opening sequence leads to and why are they carrying out these tests in animals. I think the audience is also trying to take in the information and learn due to the fact that the opening sequence is telling us a story.
How does this engage the audience?
The clips make us want to find out more because we have already seen the back story. We now know too much to just leave our knowledge of the film at that.
What are your favourite bits in these clips? Why?
I like the bit where we go into the word "Hulk". This is because it's something different and it looks cool. It's also at a fast pace, so I was engaged into the opening.

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