About Me

I'm 16 years old. I just recently started Barking abbey 6th form. I currently take media, engligh lit, socioligy and photography. So far it's suprisingly awsome. :) My prelim and main task can be found in the as main task evaluation label. It's under videos.


Story ideas research

UK aid worker's joy at release from captors in Somalia.
Frans Barnard's release was secured
by Somali clan leaders
A British security consultant kidnapped six days ago by gunmen in Somalia has described his release as "marvellous", Save the Children says.
I would make a film about a group of people in the army who set out to rescue this man. We will see them bond over time because right now they don't see the point of sending ten men to save one man. The man will be having flashbacks of his life during the film.

Opening sequence

Man on chair in dark room all tied up with men with guns around him. He will be filthy with low-key lighting, so we can't see his face. Tense music will be playing during this scene.

The tense music will turn soft (preferably classical) It will constantly flash back to people in his life  laughing and smiling with him or without him. All of a sudden a little girl will scream and say daddy and then the soft music will stop. It will then cut to the 10 man army fighting various people and leaving America. It will then cut back to the man this time we see his face. It goes pitch black and we hear a gun shot and see a light.

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