About Me

I'm 16 years old. I just recently started Barking abbey 6th form. I currently take media, engligh lit, socioligy and photography. So far it's suprisingly awsome. :) My prelim and main task can be found in the as main task evaluation label. It's under videos.


The script


Daytime 8am
Music: Hip-hop Rap – Post Production
Nikki’s face is not exposed through out the whole opening sequence.
Only a few features are shown e.g. eyes, mouth and hair

Nikki awakes from her sleep
Nikki opens her eyes
The music starts to play

Sits up and we see the back of Nikki’s head.

Sits up on her bed and stretches out her hands, which signifies that she just woke up.
Then she steps out from her bed and walks to her closet, shuffles through her clothing’s then
takes her hoody from the hanger in her closet.
But we do not see Nikki’s wear the rest of her close except for her hoody
Music: Hip-Hop Rap – Post Production
Int: Bathroom
Nikki brushes her teeth and
Exits the bathroom with her head down
int: Stairs

Nikki walks down the stairs with her head down which show that she’s depressed. She on her way to the kitchen

She walking down the stairs very slowly because she tired

Turns downstairs and walks directly into the kitchen

Int: Kitchen

Nikki opens the fridge and she grabs out milk,
Nikki fills up her glass half full and she finishes her glass and walks towards the stairs

She walks directly up the stairs to her room

Nikki sits on her bed and looks up and then pulls up her mattress
In a rush she pulls out a plastic bag which contains the gun she owns

She starts to cry very softly and tears drop down from her eyes.

Her hand is shaking

She points out the gun like she going to shoot someone, whiles tears are dropping from her face. She is facing a mirror but we can only see her up to her lips.

She hears voices in her head of people who don’t like her and the bullies making statements about her and she hears people in school that she doesn’t know laughing loudly at her because she’s getting bullied.

(V.O) TOM:




She puts the gun into her school bag

She exits her bedroom

Now she walking downstairs in a hurry directly to the door

NIKKI: Bye Mum! I am off (Aggressively)

There’s no reply from her mother, Nikki leaves and slams the door

Nikki is walking down the school road very slowly and enters the school premises

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