About Me

I'm 16 years old. I just recently started Barking abbey 6th form. I currently take media, engligh lit, socioligy and photography. So far it's suprisingly awsome. :) My prelim and main task can be found in the as main task evaluation label. It's under videos.


My first idea

little lonely girl
Jenny is a little girl who lives in a big house with her aunty. Jenny's parents are always away on business trips, so they never have any time for her. They both love Jenny very much, but they never show her or tell her that. Jenny's aunty is nice to her, but because she is so old jenny never has any fun with her because she is regularly sleeping or with her old friends ect.

One day Jenny's aunty gets too sick to stay with her any longer, so her parents get Jenny a nanny. Her nanny Clara is the one raising Jenny; to Jenny she is the mum she never had and the friend she's always dreamed of. Clara plays with her and treats Jenny like her own daughter. She grows further and further apart from her parents; soon she doesn’t care about whether or no there with her.

Jenny’s parents start to notice the changes in Jenny over a long period of time and they have started to get worried about the fact that they are loosing her. They try to get Jenny’s love back by buying her loads of gifts and appending more time with her at home, but she always wants to spend time with Clara instead.

Little by little they start to get more and more jealous of Clara, so they both decide to frame her. They decided to steel Jenny’s scrapbook which is her most prized possession, but tell Jenny that Clara stole it. Jenny’s parents fire Clara and Jenny is heartbroken because she thinks that Clara did it; she feels betrayed. Clara is angry with Jenny because she can’t believe that Jenny thinks she did it.

Clara doesn’t have enough money to support herself, so she goes broke. She can no longer afford a house, so she gets kicked out and is now living on the streets. She tried to get another job, but everyone in town thinks that she’s a thief, so no one wants to take her. Meanwhile Jenny is feeling more and more lonely. She has her parents, but there not Clara. She can’t talk to them as much as she talked to Clara; her parents seem like aliens to her.                    

Jenny’s parents start to feel guilty about what happened after they find out about what happened to Clara. Due to the fact that Clara’s gone they have noticed that Jenny is always sad and she talks to them even less now. One night Jenny over hears them talking about Clara and Jenny finds out the truth. She starts crying. Jenny’s parents come out when they here her cry; they try to comfort her, but she shrugs their hands off and runs away in search of Clara.

After a heated argument Clara and Jenny are now friends. Jenny’s parents apologized to both Clara and Jenny and now Clara is living with them. Clara is now like a member of the family.

Opening sequence

The doors open and we see a great big light and nothing is visible except the doors. We see a bunch of childhood things scattered across the floor e.g colouring pencils, dolls, books ect. We see someone’s hands fiddle, with the things on the floor and then we hear a soft childlike music play. We enter a new room that is empty, but full of pictures. The camera is the characters eyes. We hear different emotions as we glaze over the pictures e.g crying, laughter. The camera follows the characters hands as she touches each frame. The character goes back into the first room and throws the childhood thing against the wall and they fall slowly. We see the credits on the childhood memories as they fall. The music goes faster or slower based on the main characters emotions.

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