About Me

I'm 16 years old. I just recently started Barking abbey 6th form. I currently take media, engligh lit, socioligy and photography. So far it's suprisingly awsome. :) My prelim and main task can be found in the as main task evaluation label. It's under videos.


Story ideas research 2

Supreme Court rules infavour of pre-nuptial agreement
A husband and wife are walking down the beach holding hands (this is a flashback all we can hear is the sound of the sea and laughter). They sit down and hold each other, as they star to kiss we hear 2 knocks from a judge’s hammer. As we hear the sounds of the knock the camera shakes and the previous image becomes blurred.

We then see a man in a court room shaking his head as it he is forcing the image out of his head. He then looks at a woman on the other side of the room. She smiles a cunning smile and he covers his face with his hands,

Next we hear music building up as we flash from the women in a rich house to the man in a council house. The music turns very childlike when we see a close-up of a little girl looking at a photo of the two older characters together. The girl is crying and we see a tear drop on the photo and we hear the impact.
She slowly steps on a chair in order to hang herself. We flash from this to the man and woman running shouting the girls name once. The music stops when they open a door.


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