About Me

I'm 16 years old. I just recently started Barking abbey 6th form. I currently take media, engligh lit, socioligy and photography. So far it's suprisingly awsome. :) My prelim and main task can be found in the as main task evaluation label. It's under videos.


Analysis of opening sequences of existing films

Amelie- Jean Pierre Jeunet
They made something simple into something big.
They connected with the audience in order for them to say "I used to do that". They already connect with the audience in the first few minutes because the things that the little girl is doing are things you could do at home on your own.
They showed us, so much infomation in the first few minutes.
Skin- Anthony Fabian
The music is very upbeat and energetic, which amidately grabs the viewers attention because they want to see what all the fuss is about.
Camera moves to, so many people which gives us alot of infomation in a small amount of time.
Zooms in from big to small to medium, so we see a dessert then alot of people celebrating in the street then we see a women in the car.
To kill a mockingbird
The camera shows us possesions that get picked up and used. It also focuses on the fact that the possesions mean something to the person using them, so we start to see the characteristics and personalities of the caharcater.
It follows a single object rolling, which allows us to see more.
The background is blurred, while the camera focusses on the watch.

Idea- objects are thrown in the air. We focuses on each object in slow motion as they fall. We flash to different things associated with these objects.


Story ideas research 2

Supreme Court rules infavour of pre-nuptial agreement
A husband and wife are walking down the beach holding hands (this is a flashback all we can hear is the sound of the sea and laughter). They sit down and hold each other, as they star to kiss we hear 2 knocks from a judge’s hammer. As we hear the sounds of the knock the camera shakes and the previous image becomes blurred.

We then see a man in a court room shaking his head as it he is forcing the image out of his head. He then looks at a woman on the other side of the room. She smiles a cunning smile and he covers his face with his hands,

Next we hear music building up as we flash from the women in a rich house to the man in a council house. The music turns very childlike when we see a close-up of a little girl looking at a photo of the two older characters together. The girl is crying and we see a tear drop on the photo and we hear the impact.
She slowly steps on a chair in order to hang herself. We flash from this to the man and woman running shouting the girls name once. The music stops when they open a door.




Kidulthood is a teenage drama.  In the
beginning of the clip we first focus on a bunch of boys playing football; the
camera only focuses on their feet and the ball. This scene is repeated many
times it’s played fast when the music is fast and slows down when the music
slows down ,so it is parallel. We flash from this shot to groups of people
around the school having their own little conversations, but we can’t hear some
of the dialogue being exchanged. This make the dialogue we hear clearly stands
out more. The main dialogue that was said was “do you want to come to my party?”
which is repeated several times (not these exact words all the time, but they
are always party related. This makes the audience assume that the party is very
significant to the film. Although the characters don’t talk much we can already
make assumptions about their characters through their body language e.g. the
character Sam is seen looking around frantically as if he is looking out for
teachers or a form of authority, which tells us he’s doing something he isn’t
meant to be doing. The audience can assume he is the “bad boy of the school”.
Although the characters are all wearing school uniform we can still make
assumptions about the school as a whole or the individual. E.g We can stereotypically
think the school is poor academically because they  all speak slang a lot; they all have their
top buttons undone ,the boys playing football don’t care about the fact that their
feet is drenched in mud. The school lacks discipline and the student’s lacks
morals. We are also shown shots of a character building something and toying
around with it. We see and hear every little detail, but we don’t see the whole
of the object that he’s making, which makes it a mystery. This is because now
the audience want to know what it is? Why he isn’t outside with friends? and
Why it is so significant. I like this opening because it uses the audience’s stereotypes
which allow us to gather a lot of information without them actually spelling it
out to them. Already we start saying she’s the geek, he’s the rude boy etc.  The fact that it’s set in a school allows us to associate ourselves with characters in the film.